The window creation tool is especially useful, and will probably change my workflow for creating windows in the future. This extension comes with options for creating walls along paths, along with tools that allow you to create openings in the walls that you create, as well as tools for creating windows and grilles in those openings. Specifically, I’m going to focus on the tools that create actual architectural features, though this toolbar also comes with multiple tools for splitting lines, creating guides, chamfering edges, and more. I’m going to struggle to get through all of them in one video, so I’ll run you through the highlights. This tool contains a GIANT collection of tools for creating architectural elements.
Plugin sketchup 1001bit tools for sketchup pro#
You can download the free version from the SketchUp warehouse, and you can download the pro version from Tool Functions How Much does it cost? Standard Version is Free. This week’s extension contains a suite of tools designed to help you quickly create architectural elements in your models! Plugin Information

Modeling Architectural Elements in SketchUp with 1001Bit Tools – SketchUp Plugin of the Week #33